Your VIP Access to Juicing

Your VIP Access to Juicing

Imagine fueling your body everyday with over 2 cups of fresh raw veggies and fruits through the power of juicing. Whole juice is not just a drink, it’s a way to flood your system with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to support digestion and enhance overall well-being.

How to Make the Perfect Juice:

Yes, there is a method to make a great healthy juice. It’s a combination of both FLAVOR and FUNCTION! Here are useful tips to get started:

VITAL HYDRATION: Make sure to incorporate high-water content veggies (and fruits) into your routine. The juice will help keep you hydrated, energized and packed with essential nutrients. Look for produce that are lower in sugar and filled with micronutrients. Our favorites are cucumber, celery, spinach, zucchini and berries. These all have over 90 percent water!!!

  1. IMMUNE BOOSTING: Kick your juice up a notch with splashes and dashes of nature right in your glass! Add a splash of Vitamin C with your favorite citrus fruits or red bell pepper. Add a zing of GINGER that is great for digestion plus a great shield for colds and flu. Toss in some TURMERIC (with a crack of black pepper) for super power anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. PURE NUTRITION: Imagine every sip of juice is infusing vitamins and minerals into your body…and the ingredient line is simple, and you know what everything is—the produce of your choice! How to select them? Variety is key, but here is our powerhouse produce you should include in your juicing journey.

Focus on the Veggies: The nutrients in vegetables give you the most nutrient packed punch. Plus, they tend to be lower in natural sugars, so you get all the benefits without a sugar spike. Check out how to ramp up your day and get started with these top 5 veggies:

POWERHOUSE Greens: Greens (kale, spinach, chard) are packed with Vitamins A, C and K, minerals (potassium, iron and magnesium) and antioxidants to support health. Chlorophyll detoxifies to get help remove heavy metals and toxins from your body. Plus, they are an immune booster, low in sugar to maintain a balanced energy boost, and have folate, which supports heart health.

  • Carrot KICKSTART: Rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants, carrots also give a natural sweetness and help balance blood sugars through the soluble fiber found in your juices.
  • TURN UP THE BEET: Want to improve your heart health? Beets help with enhancing blood flow, improve artery health, and help to reduce cholesterol.
  • Celery DETOX: Celery is your hydration station, plus is rich in properties that help to remove toxins. Plus, it has luteolin and polyacetylenes that help remove inflammation. Natural sodium also helps support gut health. It also can help improve blood flow.
  • Cucumber CLEANSE: Cucumbers are also high in water content and are rich in silica and antioxidants to help improve skin elasticity. It also acts as a natural diuretic to flush out toxins, has potassium to balance the sodium that can help aid in regulating blood pressure. It also has Vitamin K which is essential for bone health and blood clotting.

The “Sweet Balance”:

The Art and Science of Balancing Fruit Levels for Optimal Nutrition and Flavor

Think of adding your fruits as the “condiment” or flavor enhancer to your juice to help with the balance of sugar. While our goal is for you to reach an 80% vegetable/20% fruit ratio, get into the groove by starting at 50/50 and work your way up! Our recommendation is to select fruits that help enhance the flavors of the veggies to get a beautiful balance. Our top 5 fruits to create your magic include apples, oranges, lemons, limes, berries, and pineapple.

Spice it UP!

Elevate Your Flavor and Nutrition with Herbs and Spices!

Ready to take your juice game from good to unforgettable? Adding herbs and spices is a true game changer! Fresh herbs add distinct refreshing flavors plus are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and help with detoxification, too! Imagine the surprise on your face when your juice has a zesty, unexpected pop of flavor! So, go ahead and experiment!

Here’s your guide for the 5 top herbs and 5 top spices to transform your juice to the next level:


  1. Mint: Refreshing and aids digestion
  2. Basil: A sweet, yet peppery flavor that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power
  3. Parsley: A natural diuretic, plus a boost of Vitamin A, C and K
  4. Cilantro: Super herb with a tangy taste that supports detoxification
  5. Rosemary: Robust and Rich in Antioxidants


  1. Ginger: A wowza spicy kick and supports digestive health and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Turmeric: Warm earthy flavor with powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Cinnamon: Naturally sweet warming note that can also help regulate blood sugar levels.
  4. Cayenne Pepper: Heat it up and boost your metabolism!
  5. Cloves: Aromatic and the highest level of antioxidants! Even more than blueberries!

 Now let’s put this all together!

 Here are tips and tricks to make the perfect juice:

 Make sure to include at least one hydration veggie.

  1. Seek a combination of sweet and savory for the best tasting juice. Aim for the 80% veggie, 20% fruit. Remember, it’s ok to start simple to get into the habit!
  2. Start with using similar colors of veggies/fruits so the end color is rich and appetizing.
  3. TIP: Hydration ingredients like cucumbers, green apples and celery are light in color and can be added to more colorful produce to create a beautifully colored juice.
  4. Start with a small amount of herbs and spices to get used to this new flavor!

 V.I.P. Recipes

Quick Celery Detox Starter Juice

1 green apple

3 stalks celery

1 lemon peeled

Drink Your Greens

2 cups spinach

2 stalks celery

1/2 cucumber

1/2 lemon

1 green apple

1/2 inch knob ginger

Spiced Vitamin A Juice

3 carrots

1/2 c pineapple

1/2 inch knob ginger

1/2 inch knob turmeric

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