Omega Recipes

Super Green Hydrating Juice
Are you looking for a refreshing and healthy way to boost your well-being? Look no further than a juice made with celery, cucumber, cilantro, Granny Smith apple, ginger root, pear, romaine, and lime juice.
Stress Buster
Carrot juice is an excellent ingredient for making homemade fruit juice recipes as it adds a natural sweetness and earthy flavour. This Stress Buster, delicious and refreshing, can be made with carrot juice, grapefruit juice, and pear juice.
Green Jacket Juice
  We call this the Green Jacket because (1) it’s green and (2) we created and tested it the same weekend as The Masters Golf Tournament. If you’re new to juicing and or not yet keen on the green juice taste, bump up the amount of fruit compared to veggies. As you get more used to […]
Green Carrot Kale
  This juice combination has benefits from preventing heart disease to helping you get beautiful glowing skin.